Simulate a payment experience, without processing any payments.
No payment data collected
Waitlist collection
Conversion analytics
Free when no result
Yes, building is fun. The adrenaline rush before the launch is real. However, the mental crash and disappointment post launch is most real and scary.
If you've built something before, you know this.
The worst thing you can do is building something for months only to realize no one wants to pay for it.
This is why every experienced entrepreneurs shout 'Validate your idea before building' or 'Talk to potential customers'
Are you starting something new?
Welcome to LaunchLane - A simple tool to simulate a payment experience to measure the true purchase Intention.
Run a landing page test before building.
The best part?
It is free to start :)
Recreate the most authentic payment experience on your website, assessing genuine buying intentions.
The moment your customers input the first 10 digits of their card, the test ends. No real payments, no real data stored.
Engage potential customers further by offering a waitlist option. Collect emails effortlessly for your official launch
Gain insights into your landing conversions from landing to purchase intentions and waitlists
Completely free if you collect fewer than 10 purchase intentions. We win only when you win
Easily embed our tool into your website with just a few lines of JavaScript.
Simulate a payment experience, without processing any payments.